Animals Have Rights Too

To give rights to an animal means to protect it from the same cruelties that humans are protected from, and to provide it with the same liberties that humans are awarded. However, for most people around the world, it has not progressed beyond the status of a definition. It is mostly still just a statement to appease and reassure that the ideal is being believed in and followed. The fact is, most of us have not yet learned how treat an animal with the same respect and regard with which we treat a human being. We haven’t even yet learned that it has to be done.

It’s Not That They Can’t Think

There was never a time that we weren’t using animals to fulfill our own needs and requirements. However, there is a clear difference between using and abusing, and we have been crossing this line for ages now.

The most widespread notion about animals is that they can’t think, so automatically they can’t feel. However, certain researchers now prove us wrong. Animals do have their own thought processes. Jays are aware of the thieving qualities of other jays, sheep are able to recognize faces, and dolphins learn how to can copy human postures. An experiment conducted with a parrot ended up in it being able to count till seven just by being told the words several times. Certain human traits were also observed when the parrot acted dominating in front of the smaller parrots. He not only managed to learn a multitude of English words by listening and being taught, but he also made up a new word for a food item.

Can Things Be Changed?

Perhaps a way to turn “Animals have rights too” into solid belief rather than just a flimsy declaration is to make it synonymous with “animals have feelings too”. However, in a world where humans are not ready to give fellow human beings their rights, an endeavor to make people practice the rights of animals seems like a bit of a stretch to those who don’t care a whit about the cause or just pretend to.

Setting out to unite the whole world under a single cause just isn’t in a day’s work. But a difference might just be made if, every time we see an animal, we think of it as having a tiny hand in making the world what it is instead of being just a prop.